I know it has taken me a while to post, but anything exciting to blog about has been posted elsewhere. Erika and Jackson arrived on Christmas Eve and have been running me ragged the whole time they've been here. We have been to KidSpace, the Zoo, the Park, and even on a dinosaur search, and boy am I tired!
We did manage to get some adult relaxation time in. Thank you Ris and Adam. We saw The Pursuit of Happyness and it was wonderful. Of course now it is 2:30 a.m. and I am up from heartburn from all the "butter" I squirted on my popcorn. But it may have something to do with taking a nap during the day as well. It seems in Indiana they are big on naps, and they have brought their traditions with them.
Thank you great grandpa!!
15 years ago
As a napaholic I can vouch that it was not the nap, it is the butter. Try no-butter and see how good that feels.