Sunday, June 8, 2008

Shower Challenge

Can you do it? I know I can, my mother was the fastest showerer in the midwest, and I learned well from her. Of course, I don't go for the shaving of any body parts (sorry TMI?), so that makes it alot easier. The quest in this house will to be a certain teenager down to 5 minutes, hmm maybe I can get him to cut his 30 minutes in half, that would be a start. How about you? Is five minutes enough?

More water conserving ideas here at the blog of the originator of this challenge Crunchy Domestic Goddess.


  1. 5 minutes is plenty of time to shower. I can wake up at 7am and be at my desk at 7:15 showered, dressed and ready to go.

  2. Five minutes is a long time for a shower. Mine are even less and not with hot water only luke warm. Pa used to tell me that I was the fastest showerer he ever knew. Maybe he never timed Pyle.

  3. 5 minutes is perfect for me. and has a certain teenager cut his showers they used to be like 45 minutes when I lived there lol

  4. Sighs. Under a half hour for Mr. 13. Can it happen?

    I'm fast, sometimes.

    But, when everyone else is out of the house, and I can linger, I do.

    (I hope the water gods and goddesses will forgive me for this. In most other ways, I'm a fine, upstanding human being.)

  5. In the movie "Cheaper By the Dozen" Galebreth demonstrated how to take a bath in a short period of time. Also applies to showers.

