We pulled in Naples at around 7:00am and our tour left at 7:30am. We had a fantastic tour guide and driver both of whom would be put to the test by the end of our trip. We drove to Sorrento along the high, winding road and Adrienne was OK, not terribly happy but OK. We stopped in Sorrento to shop and found it to be a charming little town with great shopping. Lynn and Rob from our dinner table were with us on this trip and it was great sharing it with them. (You might notice that some of the pictures for this city are of a much better quality than usual, that is because I downloaded all of Rob’s pictures from his fancy, fancy camera.)

After lunch we continued down the coast toward Amalfi where we stopped again for picture taking and shopping. It was just as crowded now as it was when I was here in 2003 but he had a great time anyway. I bought a dark chocolate gelato with our last two euros and it was yummy. Back on the bus we started down the coast. I will try to remember to link here to Lyle’s assessment of the drive down this coast. It is insane. It is just barely one lane wide and includes very tight blind curves hugging the cliff going straight down to the sea. Occasionally there are, what amount to, crossing guards using walkie talkies to stop traffic when a city bus is going to be coming through. This was especially important to us since it would be next to impossible for two busses to pass each other on one of the curves of this road. Keeping that in mind, shortly after we left

We are all packed up and we said goodbye to all of our tablemates at this, our last dinner. We are very sad to be done, but I can’t wait to see my baby again. And my husband. It will be nice to see him too, but mostly my Jackson.
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